Sunday, September 20, 2009

your hair was long when we first met

Today, September 20th, marks the 1st day of a 3-month long project I'm going to be doing. My goal for the past couple months has been to grow out my hair again, then cut it off and donate it to Locks of Love. I have donated to Locks of Love once before, and have been itching to donate again. Since I hate needles and will probably never be able to donate blood freely on my own, I figured I could help out with some extra hair.

I was thinking about cutting it off before Christmas, that way I have a new style for the holidays, and it would also be a sort of Christmas gift to some child who really needs a wig. Granted, the wig wouldn't be done in time for Christmas, but just by sending it to Locks of Love before Christmas would be like giving them a gift for the holidays, and I'm all about giving during the holiday season.

So I have decided that every 20th day of the month from now until December (I'm hoping to make an appointment to get my hair chopped Dec. 20th, a Saturday), I will be taking a picture of my hair, to see how much longer it grows. I've never really noticed from month to month just how long/how fast my hair grows; it's one of those things where one day I'm brushing it and I go, "holy crap, where did those 6 extra inches come from?"

Behold, the length:




See you kids tomorrow!

1 comment:

Marielle said...

ooooooomg ! I can't wait to see how every month will look like :D Smitty you're awesome for doing this. Especially when you're thinking about the kid at christmas. They should name a monument after you! <3