Tuesday, September 22, 2009

it might be a crazy life, but it's our life

There have been a lot of tv shows that have aired that I should be/should have been watching, but just never got around to or never had the time to sit down and watch them.

Then Netflix was invented, and I was finally smart enough to hop on the bandwagon and sign up for this wonderful invention.

I've made a list of shows that I should probably be watching that have already started broadcasting (and most are into their 3rd or 4th season, or more), and I'm going to slowly catch up via Netflix.

The list is as follows:

Grey's Anatomy
Flight of the Conchords
30 Rock
Pushing Daisies
Weeds (maybe)
Arrested Development (I've already seen the 1st season, looking to continue watching the rest of the seasons)
Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog (yes, it's on dvd!)

I've already started watching The Office online via Netflix Watch Instantly, and I have to say, I am already hooked. I'm looking forward to watching seasons 2 and 3 of Arrested Development (maybe I'll re-watch season 1 since I probably missed an episode here or there. And Weeds...I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, so I'm gonna test out the 1st season and see if I like it.

Netflix is a glorious invention. I wish I had thought of it - I'd be freakin' RICH.

See ya later, kids!

1 comment:

Marielle said...

i hope you'll like flight of the conchords & pushing daisies. they're really good. and arrested development is hiiilarious :P