Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I need no permission, did I mention don't pay him any attention

Today, Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009, I finished reading my 40th book! Only 10 more books to go to reach my 50-Book Challenge goal, and three months to git 'er done. :)

I've finally cracked open "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown, after it arrived in the mail a couple days ago. I just finished reading two humorous books: "Obama's Blackberry" was hysterical, and I just finished the "F My Life" book. Definitely would recommend those for some light reading/pick-me-up.

Caught tonight's episode of Glee, and I love that show. It's great. I love Finn, and Rachel, and Kurt. Oh man do I love the fact that he can be dancing to "Single Ladies" at one moment, and the next moment he's kicking a football to the end zone. He's a brilliant character.

And I always wished I could sing like Miss Mercedes. ;) I love her attitude! ::snaps fingers:: Mmmhmmmm!

And then after the show, I made this little gem:

Okay, I'm done, goodnight!

1 comment:

Marielle said...

i love the pic. congrats on 40th book ;)
let me know how the lost symbol is.
i'm dying to read it!