Saturday, September 12, 2009

happy birthday, now you're one year older, your life still isn't over

I was nowhere near a computer today, and although I have a blackberry, I had little time to blog about anything, so I'm sorry that this is so late in the evening, but I just barely made it under the gun.

Today is my brother's birthday...Happy Birthday, Pete!

Here's my day in a nutshell:

-final dress rehearsal with pit and cast 10-3
-train ride to hometown
-mani/pedi with my sister and her two best friends for her birthday (which was 2 weeks ago, but they've been celebrating a lot the past two weeks)
-went home to change into pretty clothes
-car ride to SI for dinner for my brother's, dad, brother, brother's fiance, sister, and me
-fabulous dinner at wonderful restaurant, followed by delicious lemon cake made by Serena
-car ride home

I'm exhausted, and I have to get up early for our opening show tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's (today's) also my Grandpa's 90th Birthday! YAY!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a smidgen of time where I can update at a decent hour. Right now I feel like I'm going to fall over at any second. Have you ever had that feeling? And this morning I was so tired I didn't want to wake up. I got a cappucino before I went to rehearsal, and it didn't help at all. I perked up a tad bit, but for the most part I was still sleepy.

Also....before I pass out, I think I saw one of the models from this season of Project Runway waiting for the train at the W4th street station this afternoon. :)

Aaaaaaaaaaand goodnight!

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