Friday, July 10, 2009

and now I'm ready to be extraordinary...

This week coming up is going to be a crazy one. I have a dress rehearsal for my show, then a drum corps show to hit up, then the show opens, I have to work a few random days in between, I've got choir rehearsal to show my face (and voice) at, going to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Wednesday, and all the while I'll be cat-sitting for my nephews and niece, Otis, Wilbur, and Rosie.

I'll be doing a lot of traveling back and forth....yay.

I'm up to 28 books read in my Book Challenge. More than halfway through the project! Reading #29 right looks like I'm on a good system right now.

I'm sorry, this is so boring. I'm tired.


1 comment:

Marielle said...

go you with your book challenge! i wish i had your will power :)