My acapella group sang the National Anthem at the NY Islanders game on Thursday evening! You can check it out here:
And before we actually sang, we hung out around the arena and started coloring pictures at the designated "Kids Table," and some of us also had our picture taken with Sparky, the mascot (who has a broken hockey stick for a tail!).

Then yesterday it snowed. It snowed so much that my school gave us a snow day. Unfortunately, I don't have class on Friday, and my mom was on mid-February break, so it was a waste of a snow day. I didn't even have to go to work anyway! But dad and I cancelled our dentist appointments because we weren't going anywhere. Instead, we shoveled. A lot. We shoveled my sidewalk, part of my neighbors' sidewalks, my Oma's sidewalk, and the apartment houses sidewalk. I'm shoveled out! And then last night, for dinner, since it's Lent and we don't eat meat on Fridays, mom made Pfannekuchen. Yummmmmmmmmy!

And before we actually sang, we hung out around the arena and started coloring pictures at the designated "Kids Table," and some of us also had our picture taken with Sparky, the mascot (who has a broken hockey stick for a tail!).
Then yesterday it snowed. It snowed so much that my school gave us a snow day. Unfortunately, I don't have class on Friday, and my mom was on mid-February break, so it was a waste of a snow day. I didn't even have to go to work anyway! But dad and I cancelled our dentist appointments because we weren't going anywhere. Instead, we shoveled. A lot. We shoveled my sidewalk, part of my neighbors' sidewalks, my Oma's sidewalk, and the apartment houses sidewalk. I'm shoveled out! And then last night, for dinner, since it's Lent and we don't eat meat on Fridays, mom made Pfannekuchen. Yummmmmmmmmy!
whats Pfannekuchen?
it looks good!
pfannekuchen are very thin german pancakes. pfannekuchen literally means pan cakes. then we put peaches or pears in them, roll them up or fold them over, and powdered sugar on top.....kinda like crepes. yumm!
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