I feel like after my photo blog is complete, I should leave it alone. I should leave it all there (and not go on a rampage and delete it like I have with other things). This would simply be the continuation of whatever I have to offer...my other blog is just a photo project. I'm at day 51 today - more than halfway finished. I can't believe I started it 51 days ago...it feels like just yesterday I was making the little slips of paper to pick each day. It's definitely been a fun experience capturing ideas in a picture.
My vacation from school is winding down. I have about 3 more days until I go back and start my last semester of college. It's kind of crazy when I think about it. I started college 4 years ago, and now I'm 4 months away from graduating. The time has gone by so slowly and so quickly at the same time. I hope I accomplished a lot during my 4 years there.
Since I have some time off, I've been being a bum, working, going to drum corps rehearsal, knitting, and reading. I finished "An Abundance of Katherines" by John Green and it was pretty awesome. I'm about 100 pages into "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks and so far I think this is my favorite book yet by this author, and nothing really juicy has even happened yet. I've been using an old metrocard as a bookmark, when I have about a thousand bookmarks all around my room. Speaking of my room, I really need to clean it. I'm in the process of organizing things around my room, but I keep taking breaks and listening to music.
My dad found these two old tapes that I used to listen to during my childhood years - "Favorite Songs From Jim Henson's Muppets" Volumes 1 and 2. I'm listening to them right now and they bring back some awesome memories, with great songs like "Happiness Hotel," "Good Things Happen In the Dark" (okay, I just thought about it now, and that could sound REALLY dirty), "Grandma's Feather Bed," "Hey Mr. Bassman," "and "Movin' Right Along."
I got a bunch of gift cards for Christmas, so I've been gradually using them up. I'm shopping online a lot - I already made an order on Barnes & Noble and bought a CD, two books, and a 2008 wall calendar. I just went shopping on OldNavy.com and bought the most adorable shoes:

I also put in another order to B&N and ordered The Guardian on dvd, as well as the book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm looking forward to reading it, and The Guardian is such an excellent movie. I cry every time....it's definitely an essential in anyone's dvd collection.
Well...that's all I've got for now. I need to do some serious damage control in the room. ;)
p.s. I have to add that last week, I went to the city and bought this book at the Union Square Barnes and Noble. I really love B&N and I got 4 gift cards for Christmas this year! But anyways, you should check it out. It's a very interesting read and a very clever book - and handy, too!

My vacation from school is winding down. I have about 3 more days until I go back and start my last semester of college. It's kind of crazy when I think about it. I started college 4 years ago, and now I'm 4 months away from graduating. The time has gone by so slowly and so quickly at the same time. I hope I accomplished a lot during my 4 years there.
Since I have some time off, I've been being a bum, working, going to drum corps rehearsal, knitting, and reading. I finished "An Abundance of Katherines" by John Green and it was pretty awesome. I'm about 100 pages into "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks and so far I think this is my favorite book yet by this author, and nothing really juicy has even happened yet. I've been using an old metrocard as a bookmark, when I have about a thousand bookmarks all around my room. Speaking of my room, I really need to clean it. I'm in the process of organizing things around my room, but I keep taking breaks and listening to music.
My dad found these two old tapes that I used to listen to during my childhood years - "Favorite Songs From Jim Henson's Muppets" Volumes 1 and 2. I'm listening to them right now and they bring back some awesome memories, with great songs like "Happiness Hotel," "Good Things Happen In the Dark" (okay, I just thought about it now, and that could sound REALLY dirty), "Grandma's Feather Bed," "Hey Mr. Bassman," "and "Movin' Right Along."
I got a bunch of gift cards for Christmas, so I've been gradually using them up. I'm shopping online a lot - I already made an order on Barnes & Noble and bought a CD, two books, and a 2008 wall calendar. I just went shopping on OldNavy.com and bought the most adorable shoes:
I also put in another order to B&N and ordered The Guardian on dvd, as well as the book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm looking forward to reading it, and The Guardian is such an excellent movie. I cry every time....it's definitely an essential in anyone's dvd collection.
Well...that's all I've got for now. I need to do some serious damage control in the room. ;)
p.s. I have to add that last week, I went to the city and bought this book at the Union Square Barnes and Noble. I really love B&N and I got 4 gift cards for Christmas this year! But anyways, you should check it out. It's a very interesting read and a very clever book - and handy, too!
Hi Kristin! I like your new blog! That's cool.. your photo blog will be link an accomplished project. A good idea, because I don't know about you but I tend not to finish things I start, haha. Like the 100 songs challenge or Vlogging.
The metrocard bookmark thing - isn't it funny how objects take to multitasking just as well as people do? :-D
Oh, and just so you know, my "captcha code" for this comment is "Captain kirk"... I thought that was amusing :-)
cute shoes & i can't wait to read your future blogs ^_^
PS the fishes!!
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