My friend Eric saw it, LOVED it, and wanted to create the one where the cool kid is giving the Gleek the "L"oser sign. Eric is the cool kid, I'm the Gleek:

I actually don't like the way I look in it.....but whatever. His face alone is PRICELESS. I love Eric, he is freaking awesome. <3
October 20th marked the 2nd day I measure my hair length. I can't really tell....can you? I think I'm not standing in the exact same spot, so one picture looks closer and the other looks far away. I have no idea....it's not a drastic growth...it's probably maybe a centimeter or an inch or something. ::sigh:: I can't wait to see how long it is December 20th...and then I'm HACKIN' it off!

September 20th '09 // October 20th '09