Then I walked down 6th Ave. and went to Barnes and Noble on the corner of West 8th (I never leave the store without buying's a bad habit.)
from l to r:
- Tucker Max's "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell." My cousin recommended this book if I wanted to have a good laugh. It's for older audiences though....just a heads up.
- a calendar of dolphins. I love dolphins. The 2009 calendar I currently have is all pictures of me from my drum corps season, and I don't want to write in it because I want to preserve it forever, so this calendar is for writing purposes. And it was a dollar. How can you pass that up? It was either dolphins....or "muscle cars." Dolphins, please!
- Daniel Levitin's "The World In Six Songs" (I've had a lot of interest in this book, and it was on super sale at only $4.98 (FOR THE HARDCOVER VERSION!) so I had to buy it)
- Sophie Kinsella's "Confessions of a Shopaholic." I want to see this movie, but I want to read the book more. I'm adding all these books to my list of books to read this year. More about that 50-Book Challenge will come soon enough.....
Then I stopped by Staples and bought a binder because I really need one for my choir music.
I grabbed lunch at McDonald's, and came back to the office and ate it.
Then I started working again at 4, and I'll be here until about 10:30.
The highlight of my day?
I ate an entire box of candy hearts.
Good to the last heart. Yummm.
Happy Valentine's Day.
P.S. These are flowers my dad bought for my mom for Valentine's Day. How adorable!
My Dad is so awesome.