Four books and fifteen forms of the word "chagrin" later...
...I have finished the Twilight series.
And let me admit, I have become a fan. I'd still pick Harry Potter over Twilight any day, but it was entertaining, and worth the money I spent on the books. I read them straight through, starting with book one and ending with book four, without any breaks in the middle. I was slowing down my reading during "Eclipse" (number three) only because I was getting intensely busy with the end of the drum corps season, but as soon as I started "Breaking Dawn," my reading picked up again and I finished that book in a week and a half. And now I can watch that "Breaking Dawn" video that Kristina (Monday from FiveAwesomeGirls) posted on her personal channel on YouTube.
Here's the books with the 15 chagrins labeled:

4 in the first book, 2 in the second, 4 in the third, and a whopping 5 in the last book.
My glasses broke the other day. They slowly snapped in half while I was polishing the lenses on my shirt. I don't even know how it happened, because I wasn't applying much pressure to them, and bam. They broke in the middle. I tried glueing them, but that didn't work. I finally had an appointment at the eyeglasses place today and picked out some new frames, so they should be ready sometime next week. I'm really excited for new glasses! There will be before/after pictures, I promise.'s a list of books I've read since I graduated college.
1. "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks
2. "Big Boned: A Heather Wells Mystery" by Meg Cabot
3. "Lock and Key" by Sarah Dessen
4. "Queen of Babble In the Big City" by Meg Cabot
5. "Forever In Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood" by Ann Brashares
6. "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
7. "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer
8. "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer
9. "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer
10. "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer
My hardest decision now is trying to figure out what to read next!
<3 kristin
...I have finished the Twilight series.
And let me admit, I have become a fan. I'd still pick Harry Potter over Twilight any day, but it was entertaining, and worth the money I spent on the books. I read them straight through, starting with book one and ending with book four, without any breaks in the middle. I was slowing down my reading during "Eclipse" (number three) only because I was getting intensely busy with the end of the drum corps season, but as soon as I started "Breaking Dawn," my reading picked up again and I finished that book in a week and a half. And now I can watch that "Breaking Dawn" video that Kristina (Monday from FiveAwesomeGirls) posted on her personal channel on YouTube.
Here's the books with the 15 chagrins labeled:
4 in the first book, 2 in the second, 4 in the third, and a whopping 5 in the last book.
My glasses broke the other day. They slowly snapped in half while I was polishing the lenses on my shirt. I don't even know how it happened, because I wasn't applying much pressure to them, and bam. They broke in the middle. I tried glueing them, but that didn't work. I finally had an appointment at the eyeglasses place today and picked out some new frames, so they should be ready sometime next week. I'm really excited for new glasses! There will be before/after pictures, I promise.'s a list of books I've read since I graduated college.
1. "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks
2. "Big Boned: A Heather Wells Mystery" by Meg Cabot
3. "Lock and Key" by Sarah Dessen
4. "Queen of Babble In the Big City" by Meg Cabot
5. "Forever In Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood" by Ann Brashares
6. "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
7. "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer
8. "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer
9. "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer
10. "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer
My hardest decision now is trying to figure out what to read next!
<3 kristin